Blue background for international drivers permit

No Professional Passport Photo Required!

It is important that you submit your photo promptly. An actual passport type photo is great, but, if you have any nice clear color, straight forward photo in your files, that will work as well. We can photoshop vacation shots, business pictures, even a photo taken from the chest up against a light colored wall with a cell phone or digital camera works well. If you have a SmartPhone, just take a photo and email it to us!

We can even take you out of a picture with friends as long as heads are not too close. Don't worry about the size or cropping, we'll take care of that. Sending in a Jpeg is a must, so we can use a photo program to make the highest quality print for your Translation Documents.

*If you prefer to submit your application by regular mail - we can do that too. Read more on submitting your application by regular mail.

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Orders by Email:

Orders by Email are accepted. Just complete our easy online application.

Orders by Telephone:
We will accept your order by phone and can have your International Driving Document delivered by the following afternoon.

Call 877-435-4685 or 859-548-5955 to speak to an agent. Have your drivers license, passport, if applicable, and credit card ready when you call.

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Use our easy 3 steps for applying for International Driver Licence Online ...QUESTIONS ON COST AND SHIPPING ARE ANSWERED HERE.

  1. Complete and Submit the Online International Drivers License Application (or print and mail us the application)
  2. Complete Payment
  3. Email a "passport style" color photo in jpeg format to


1. Last Name:Required Field Last Name is required.
2. First Names:Required Field First Name is required.
3. Current Driver's License Information:
(If using a non-US Licence, then the non-US address should be entered here)
Current Drivers License Address Line 1Required Field

Current Driver's License Address Line 2    

City, State, Zip or Postal CodeRequired Field
4. Address to Mail your IDL:Required Field  
Address Line 1:Required Field Address line 1 is required.
Address Line 2:
City, State, Zip or Postal Code, Country:Required Field
City, State, Zip & Country is required.
5. Your email address:Required Field Valid email is required.Invalid email format.
6. Your Telephone:Required Field
7. Passport #:
8. Passport Date of Issue:
9. Passport Place of Issue:
10. State of birth (if USA) or Country of birth:Required Field
11. Date of birth:Required Field
12. Nationality:Required Field
13. Driver's License #:Required Field
14. State (if USA) or Country of Issue:Required Field
15. Date of Issue:Required Field
16. Date license expires:Required Field

Required FieldTerms of International Drivers License Permit Issuance and Release of Liability:

I understand that this international driver's license permit and translation is in no way intended to replace a suspended or revoked driver's license from the United States or any other country, and I am not applying for this international driver's license translation to use it as such. I do further understand that this international driver's translation will become null and void if a license is issued and the above is the actual intention of the applicant. I futher release IDL International, Inc. from any and all said liability caused by any misrepresentation on my part. I additionally release IDL International, Inc. from any and all liability caused by an applicant's failure to comply with any local, state, national or international law. I further confirm that the license information provided is all true and correct.


I understand and agree to the above terms:
Please make a selection.Required FieldIf you do not check the YES box to agree to the above terms your application will not be processed.

Check the box above and type your initials in the form field below to signify your agreement to the terms of the Release. You will be asked to sign the actual IDL document upon receipt of the document.

17. Applicant's initials indicating agreement:Required Field
Enter your initials to agree with the termsEnter at least two letters

Choose Payment Method:

Credit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or VISA) are accepted for YOUR convenience. You may provide your information below. All credit card transactions will be billed an additional $5.00 per document to offset processing fees.

Required FieldSelect your credit card
(Other payment options such as US Postal Money order are also available - See payment method selection in the translation order area)

Please select your payment method.
Please provide your credit card details:
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card Expiration Date:
Credit Card CCV (3-digit code on back of card)
Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Billing Address Line 1:
Credit Card Billing Address Line 2:
Credit Card Billing City, State, Zip or Postal :
Check this box to authorize card:
All fees are payable in U.S. Funds only. No checks on foreign banks accepted.
International Drivers Document Translation Fees
Duration of IDL Document Cost Total Cost
One (1) year IDL $19.95 + tax + regular shipping & handling = $21.60
Two (2) year IDL $29.95 + tax + regular shipping & handling = $32.48
Three (3) year IDL $39.95 + tax + regular shipping & handling = $43.30
Five (5) year IDL $49.95 + tax + regular shipping & handling = $54.13
Five (5) year IDL (Honduras) $49.95 + tax + regular shipping & handling = $54.13
Ten (10) year IDL $79.95 + tax + regular shipping & handling = $86.55
Calculate your payment here - be sure to include only the options you want
US Resident Non-US Resident   Amount

Please select an item.

Please select a shipping method.

Please select payment method.
TOTAL CHARGE   [$0.00]

* Shipping prices apply to Continental US only. Please call or email for exact shipping costs to Alaska, Hawaii, and all Foreign Countires. Same day shippping on complete orders received before 2:00 pm EST. 2-Day Air and Overnight Delivery available only for US Destinations, Monday through Friday.

Your credit card is not automatically charged when you hit submit, only after we receive, review and approve your application, will we bill your card

DO NOT TRY TO ATTACH A PHOTO TO THIS APPLICATION. After sending the application, send your photo in a SEPARATE E-mail with your name in the subject line to
If you prefer to submit your application by mail, please print the application and mail to us at the address below:
Copyright © 2012 IDL International, Inc., All Rights Reserved
P.O. Box 80, Bryantsville, KY 40410
Updated May 24, 2012